
Staking is the secondary value accrual strategy of SWIX. Stakers can stake their SWIX on the SWIX dApp to earn rebase rewards, which come from:

  1. Proceeds from bond sales, which are based on the number of SWIX staked in the protocol and the reward rate set by the protocol's monetary policy.

  2. Rental and Experience sales purchased through Bond-to-Pay, as the protocol is able to mint new RFV backed SWIX tokens which only partially distributes to the user who bonds, as the bonding exclusively grants access to the stay and/or experience, and will only unlock a small percentage of the minted tokens as an additional reward to the user after the stay or experience ends.

When you stake, you lock the SWIX token(s) and receive an equal amount of sSWIX tokens. Your sSWIX balance rebases up (increases) automatically at the end of every epoch (which happens roughly every 8 hours).

As more properties are added to the SWIX property portfolio, more value is distributed to SWIX stakers. Holders of SWIX can earn compounding interest on their SWIX by staking it. Staking encourages long-term holding of SWIX, and allows participants to benefit from the rise in property prices. As the protocol treasury receives more and more profit through bonding sales, everyone who is staking SWIX will enjoy the benefits of increased rewards knowing real intrinsic value is backing each token.

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