Unlocking Value through SWIX

The SWIX token can be used to purchase Swix stays and experiences at a discount, as well as rewarding users with more tokens when they use SWIX as a payment method.

Holding sSWIX, which is the staked version of the SWIX token, will allow users to earn compounding interest on their tokens, as well as governance power to vote and influence the protocol's decisions on how and where to deploy community treasury resources. (1 token = 1 vote)

Users can access the Swix app and stake their tokens, as well as bond liquidity to purchase SWIX at a discount with respect to its market price, vested for a defined period of time.

Supported by real world business revenue

Swix also benefits from a buyback mechanism where SWIX is bought back using a percentage of the profits generated on sales made over a certain occupancy rate hurdle rate.

Ultimately, SWIX encompasses the value of the Swix property portfolio, which shares rental-generated revenues with the Swix DAO community treasury. Each SWIX holds and grows intrinsic value, as it is backed by a share of the DAO treasury. As property values increase, the SWIX token will keep granting holders access to their favourite properties, as long as they keep them staked.

Last updated